Isrotel Hotels
Cancellation Policy

Cancellations Policy

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Cancellation Policy
  • Cancellations Policy

    1. Canceling orders must be done in accordance with the Consumer Protection Law of 5741 -1981 (hereinafter: the "Consumer Protection Law"),including the regulations thereof, and after the Ordering Party, as defined in Isrotel's Terms and Conditions, has placed an order through the Website's reservation system, and received the booking confirmation document.

    2.An Ordering Party may cancel a transaction, subject to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law, as in any of the following means:
    • Orally, i.e - by phone: +972-(0)8-6387797, or directly at one of Isrotel's offices.
    • By registered mail to Isrotel Reservations Center, located at Isrotel Royal Garden Hotel Eilat North Beach 88000
    • By e-mail: [email protected]
    • By Fax: +972-8-6362030
    • Online (through the Website's reservation system).
    The cancellation notice should include at least the name and the identity number of the Ordering Party, and if the cancellation notice is delivered orally, Isrotel shall have the right to request an additional identification detail.

    3. Canceling orders of a disabled person, a veteran citizen, or a new immigrant:

    3.1. An Ordering Party, who is a disabled person in accordance to the Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities Law, 1988, a veteran citizen (who is 65 years of age or above) or a new immigrant to Israel (one who has been granted an immigration certificate or a certificate of eligibility as a new immigrant from the Office of Immigration and Absorption, and five years have not passed since he has been granted the above), may cancel a reservation subject to compliance with the following conditions:

    3.1.1. Cancelation of a reservation shall be done within four months from the date the booking was made, or from the date of receipt of the booking confirmation document, or alternatively in accordance with Clauses 7.3 above, whichever is later, provided that the reservation order included a conversation (as well as via electronic communication) between Isrotel or any of its formal representatives and the Ordering Party, and provided that there are more than 7 days, that are not rest days, prior to the check-in date.

    3.1.2. Valid proof (by one of the means stated above) indicating the Ordering Party does in fact belong to one of the said sectors, shall be attached to the cancellation notice all in accordance to the Consumer Protection Law.

    3.2. If a reservation is canceled in accordance to the cancellation terms mentioned in this section, the Ordering Party shall be charged with a cancellation fee in the sum of NIS 100 (one hundred) or 5% (five percent) of the value of the order, whichever is lower.

    4. Cancellation Fee during the Regular Season (September until June, inclusive - with the exception of Holidays and Special Occasions):

    4.1. Upon cancellation of a reservation, effected within 14 days from the date the booking was made or from the date of receipt of the booking confirmation document (whichever is later), and provided that the cancellation date is not within 7 days (that are not rest days), prior to the check-in date, the Ordering Party will be charged with a cancellation fee in the sum of NIS 100 (hundred) or 5% (Five percent) of the value of the order, whichever is lower.

    4.2. Upon cancellation of a reservation stated under clause 4.1 above, effected 14 days after the date the booking was made, or after the date of receipt of the booking confirmation document (whichever is later), and provided that the cancellation date is not within 7 days (that are not rest days), prior to the check-in date, the Ordering Party will be charged with a cancellation fee in the sum of 100 (hundred) NIS.

    4.3. Upon cancellation of a reservation stated under clause 4.1 above, effected within 7 days (that are not rest days), prior to the check-in date, the Ordering Party will be charged with a cancellation fee in the sum of 25% (twenty-five percent) of the value of the order (regardless of the time that has elapsed from the date the booking was made).

    4.4. Upon non-arrival to the hotel, regarding a reservation stated under clause 4.1 above, without providing a due cancellation notice, the Ordering Party will be charged with a cancellation fee in the sum of 50% (fifty percent) of the value of the order.

    5. Cancellation Fee during the Peak Season (July to August, inclusive - as well as Holidays and Special Occasions):

    5.1. Upon cancellation of a reservation, effected within 14 days from the date the booking was made or from the date of receipt of the booking confirmation document (whichever is later), and provided that the cancellation date is not within 7 days (that are not rest days), prior to the check-in date, the Ordering Party will be charged with a cancellation fee in the sum of NIS 100 (hundred) or 5% (Five percent) of the value of the order, whichever is lower.

    5.2. Upon cancellation of a reservation stated under clause 5.1 above, effected 14 days after the date the booking was made or after the date of receipt of the booking confirmation document (whichever is later), and provided the cancellation date is more than 21 days (inclusive) (that are not rest days), prior to the check-in date, the Ordering Party will be charged with a cancellation fee in the sum of 100 (hundred) NIS.

    5.3. Upon cancellation of a reservation stated under clause 5.1 above, effected 14 days after the date the booking was made or after the date of receipt of the booking confirmation document (whichever is later), and the cancellation date is from 8 until 20 days (inclusive) (that are not rest days), prior to the check-in date, the Ordering Party will be charged with a cancellation fee in the sum of 25% (twenty five percent) of the value of the order.

    5.4. Upon cancellation of a reservation stated under clause 5.1 above, effected within 7 days, that are not rest days, prior to the check-in date, the Ordering Party will be charged with a cancellation fee in the sum of 50% (fifty percent) of the  value of the order (regardless of the time that has elapsed from the date the booking was made).

    6. It is hereby clarified, that the Ordering Party will be debited by Isrotel (or anyone on its behalf) through the Ordering Party's credit card, which details were provided to Isrotel by the Ordering Party, and the Ordering Party hereby gives his\hers irrevocable consent to charge him\her as stated above, subject to the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.

    7. For the avoidance of doubt, the term "Special Occasions", as defined in these Terms and Conditions, shall refer to cultural\ entertainment\ sports events and etc., advertised from time to time on behalf of Isrotel, or in collaboration with the Isrotel.

    8. Cancellation of a reservation without cancellation fee:

    It is hereby clarified, that a reservation can be canceled, free of cancellation charge, due to a discrepancy between the booked reservation and the booking details provided to the Ordering Party following the booking procedure, and / or due to failure to provide accommodation services regarding the reservation date, and / or due to a defect and / or breach of agreement, all as set out in clause 14E (a) of the Consumer Protection Law.

    It is also clarified that in addition to the abovementioned cases in this Clause, in which a reservation can be canceled without payment of a cancellation fee in accordance to the law, Isrotel may also, in its sole discretion, exempt the Ordering Party from paying a cancellation fee for the cancellation of the reservation.